We're currently neck-deep in this country's
Mommy Wars. So what better weekend than this one to have Mothers' Day fall on? It's high time that we just all admitted that there are aspects of motherhood that some of us totally rock at, and some of us majorly suck at, but we're all good Moms. We're all doing (as my dad would say) the "same thing, only different."

Some women have jobs outside the home, some don't. Some do yoga every single day, some eat corn dogs on the couch every single day. Some drive Suburbans, some drive Priuses (Prium, Prii? What is the plural of Prius, anyway?). Some aren't married, some have been married for a million years, some are married to a woman. Some are black, some are white, some are black with white kids, some are white with black kids. Some had their babies when they were 17, some when they were 47. Some are dressed to the nines every time the venture into public, some wear tattered jeans and t-shirts. Some are die-hard Organic-only everything for their babies, and some are die-hard Walmart fans. Some put their kids in pre-schools that guarantee a placement to Harvard someday, Some put their kids in public schools, and some teach from home. None of them are wrong. Please repeat that with me... NONE OF THEM ARE WRONG. When a mother says, "this is hard," please understand that she isn't complaining about having her kids around... she's simply venting that it's totally terrifying to make and raise a functioning member of society and not worry every single day about what the outcome could be like.

If I think back on the things I've done "wrong" as a Mom, and could make a list of do-overs: I'd write more down when my son was little, I wouldn't yell so much, I wouldn't stop breast feeding when he was 5 months old (I know, tisk-tisk, right?), I may have not even started breast feeding in the first place (even bigger tisk!), I wouldn't make him wear the clothes I thought were cute on a toddler but he hated, I'd have eaten healthier food while I was pregnant, I'd have eaten healthier food
after I was pregnant, I'd have gotten one of those wrap-carrier thingies and actually used it, a lot, I wouldn't have agreed to work a night shift when my son was still a baby, and on, and on the list goes. But it is what it is. And through all the "mistakes" came this great Kid...
I can't imagine having a kid that's any different than the kid I have right now. And if all those things hadn't happened the way they did, he might not be that kid.
Your children are exactly the way they are supposed to be, because the series of events that took place in your life while raising them are exactly the ones that were supposed to happen...
Oh, and because my Mom rocks too, here's one more pic. This is her with my son on the day he was born, which makes her not only an awesome Mom, but a pretty fantastic grand-Mom (Nana as she likes to be called). This might be my last Mothers' Day celebration, because she might kill me for posting a picture of her on the internet. But the woman deserves to be celebrated. I even like her well enough that I dug up half my garden to give her grown-by-me flowers as a present. By the way, Mom, you're getting flowers later today...
Happy Mothers' Day everyone!
Thanks for stopping by,
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