People like me are the reason that
Pinterest is taking off like wildfire. It's like totally legal crack for grown-ups who have brains that function like pinball tables. You sign on, look for a recipe, and 3 hours later you've found a new bikini, and you wonder why your decorating skills suck so much worse than all those people who were the original thinker-uppers of pallet coffee tables and iron pipe book shelves. It's enough visual stimuli to come dangerously close to making eyeball blood vessels burst. The makers of that site are pure evil. And I love me a little bit of evil. So, since you're sitting here reading my blog on this dreary Wednesday, and aren't getting anything done anyway, here's some stuff to help completely obliterate the rest of your day's productivity also *insert your best interpretation of a comic book villain's laugh here*
Here are some of my recent "pins" on some of my favorite "boards". Feel free to click on every single one of these links and see if you can make it all the way to the black hole of the Internet...
My Style

shirt, Jane, outfit
Hair and Makeup



Sew Stuff

Party Ideas

The Kid



Green Goddess

Lotion bar, another one of the quadruple-fablillion
uses for honey, the
sunscreen I wicked want
There! That ought to keep ya busy for a while!
Thanks for stopping by,
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