I'm in great fear of my future hermitage status. The more I venture out in public, the less I want to be there. Things I found ridiculous during today's outing:
~I went to Lumber Liquidators to purchase a piece of threshold needed to finish the transition between our new bamboo flooring and our tiled kitchen floor. The cashier printed out 4 full 8.5"x11" sheets of bright yellow, dye-saturated paper as my "receipt" for my transaction for my eco-friendly bamboo. In my most pleasant tone, I pointed at all the papers and said to him, "While we're on the subject of wasting paper, could you please take us off your mailing list? We just purchased an entire house worth of flooring. So all the coupons we keep getting in the mail are just a tease that we could get it cheaper next time we decide it's a good idea to tear up all our hard work and start over, and it seems to be just another waste of paper."
~While feeling pretty smug about my new purchase of a bathroom vanity and linen closet door for $55.00 (total) at the recycled building supply center, I dropped a tampon out of my coat pocket onto the floor on my way out. I didn't realize it until the scruffy looking guy who works there felt the need to call out to me that I'd "dropped something." Dude, it's not like it was used. Save a girl some humiliation, pick it up, toss it in the trash, and pretend it never happened. Just sayin'...
~I've been on a search for local raw honey. I eat a spoon full of it daily during allergy season to help with outdoor allergies. Tis the season, and I'm currently out of my stash. I had one more healthy-people-food store to check, and came up empty again. Their "local" honey was distributed locally from a place that collected it from all over the place, including Canada. I despise tricky labeling.
~While at the hardware store (not my local one, but one of the same company), I tried to use our discount (usually looked up by our name at the local store) and was told that it only applied for the local area where I got the card, unless I had the card on me. It was in my husband's wallet (at home), and the cashier wouldn't honor the discount. It twisted my panties right up to know that I could have gotten hinges for the chicken coop doors at 10% off if I'd remembered to buy them when I got my paint at the local spot, and if that cashier had known ANYthing at all about customer service.
But then I came home, and my husband let my son help prep for dinner. They made breaded pork nuggets, and my son was all excited. He came up to me and whispered in my ear, "they're kind of like fish sticks, except they're not made out of chicken, they're made from pork!"
Remind me again why I'd ever want to leave...
Thanks for stopping by,
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