First, I would like to point out that NONE of the products I make have ANY of these ingredients in them. You're welcome. Now, I'm not saying that you need to go all crazy Hippie and stop wearing makeup, start braiding your leg hair, and stink like a transient hiker on the Long Trail, BUT, I'd love it if you'd make informed decisions. Please read the labels on your beauty products (especially the stuff you use EVERY single day). My medicine cabinet is not perfectly hippie-fied either. But when I can afford it, I try to buy (or make) the good-for-me version. Using "natural" ingredients in products is expensive. Trust me, I know this all too well. Every time I put in an order for new ingredients, my bank account drops into practically single digits afterwards. When someone asks me, "Is your lotion really $15 for this little jar?" The answer is, "Yes, really. The ingredients I buy cost me a freaking fortune, because I buy good stuff that's good for you." Spoken in a much less snooty way, of course. So sometimes you just have to suck it up and fork over the cash for the good stuff. It's still going to be cheaper than the treatment to fix whatever the cheap stuff does to your body...
Oh, and because it's Friday, and it's my blog, and I can do whatever I want, here's some stuff I've found on the World Wide Web this week (all much less scary than the post above), Lovely Ladies edition:
~Ladies, do yourself a favor, and go buy this bra in every single color available. It's not, the most crazy sexy thing out there, but definitely not into Granny territory yet, and hands-down the best shape/comfort/price bra out there. And for those of you out there who are reading this from my neck of the woods, the Bali/Hanes/Playtex outlet in the Essex Outlet Center has these, so you can try before you buy.
~I think Squats and Lunges are the most evil thing out there. Not because they're hard, but because I think they're boring. I usually knock out about 3 and start looking at my watch. But here's some inspiration to keep doing them.
~I think this would be a universally flattering outfit on just about and shape, size, or color woman.
~And this is so me (the top picture...of course...)
Thanks for stopping by,
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