1) This jacket...
It arrived on my doorstop yesterday. It's hanging in my closet right this second with my homemade dresses completely humbled by it's awesomeness, and I'm still drooling over the digital image of it here in front of me. It's in the top 4 of my most big-girl purchases ever. My only other ones I can think of that can top this are my house, my car, and our couch (which was the first piece of furniture that my husband and I didn't have handed down to us, or buy at a 2nd hand shop. So at the time it seemed even more monumental than when we bought our house). It was a huge deal for me to buy this jacket. Partly, because I am obnoxiously tight with my wallet, and don't usually indulge, period. But mostly, because it was a mildly (maybe wildly) impractical purchase for someone who has a baby with a spit-up problem. Don't worry, I bought the spray that, supposedly helps protect it from such things if I should feel
2) A visit to my favorite hairstylist, which if any of you read my post about shaving my head a while back, you know I've vowed to go see more often. So, anyway, my hair has finally grown out to a length where I don't have to put product in it to keep the rooster tail from sticking up at the back anymore, and therefore had the potential to be styled into a pixie that looked like it happened on purpose. It looks pretty much like the photo below (except the chick below didn't go to bed with salon product still in her hair, and her makeup still on, and wake up looking a tad more trampy than a stay-at-home Mom should look in the morning). So her photo is posted this morning to spare you from mine...

And I had it lightened to about the shade that Olivia's is here on the top part of hers. Something fresh, and a bang-up job on covering the greys...

3) A basket-filling trip through the makeup aisle at Bed Bath & Beyond...
OK, so this didn't fill my basket, but this handful of items will, literally replace everything in my makeup bin, and at a later date, I'll show you why/how.
Do you allow yourself to do this every now and then? If not, you should. I'm not saying go completely nuts and blow through your life savings. I'm just saying that with proper budgeting it's possible to allow yourself some nice stuff every now and then (even if it will just hang in the closet until your kids go off to college). Don't think for a second that I haven't already paraded around my house in that jacket while The Baby was napping, like the biggest bad-ass ever to set foot in my living room...
Thanks for stopping by,
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