~Next Wednesday the Farmers' Market begins for the season. I'm so happy to finally get to be face to face with so many happy, smiling customers again. I've missed you all over the Winter!
~The day after opening day of the farmers market, I'll be packing up all the inventory I've been building over the last few weeks and heading off to Brooklyn for the Renegade Craft Fair. Pretty stoked to be taking myself on a little mini vacay to NYC, but it's not exactly coming at an opportune time to be leaving home for several days. Because...
~We're right in the thick of trying to buy a house. We found our dream piece of property with our not-so-dream-but-not-all-together-awful house on it, and we're trying really hard to make it work. But it's a foreclosure, now owned by and out-of-state bank, and it requires some serious diligence on my part to get the necessary hoops jumped through. Getting local people matched up with non-local people, and making this deal work out for us is proving to be a serious challenge. This, Folks, is why I still bank at the same bank where I opened my first account with a jar of change when I was 9 years old. I can walk in there, speak to a human, who knows my name and I know hers, and usually before any transactions take place she asks me how my kids are.
~So I'm also trying to get all the little miscellaneous projects done on our current house. Even if our deal doesn't go through on the house we're tying to get right now, we're still going to keep looking. So, eventually our current house will need to go on the market to avoid having to pay 2 mortgages for any great length of time (yikes!). All those little no-big-deal projects that were started without a deadline to finish... Those all add up and become a bigger deal when faced with finishing them all at once.
~Somewhere in the midst of all of that, I should probably throw a birthday party of some sort for The Baby (Holy crap! Where the heck did a year go?!).
~And yesterday I got an email from the manager of another farmers market, asking me if I'd like to be a vendor. Yes Please!
So... not one, but TWO farmers markets this season, PLUS Renegade, PLUS buying a house, selling a house, and some fantastically cute kiddos that deserve my attention as well... I believe I'll now treat myself to another cup of coffee (or 12), and be thrilled with the fact that all of my "problems" are pretty great.
Thanks for stopping by,
congrats on all the good news, if I can help let me know. a house? I didn't know you were looking. ~james